I've been neglecting the blog for a while as I've been getting prepared for The Gifts for Myself and Others Show here in Victoria on November 14-16th. The show runs in exactly two weeks so I'm working on multiple polymer clay projects. The booth is set up in my dining room so I can check the layout and see if I actually have enough work to stock the space for 3 days!
The downturn in the economy has many artisans feeling concerned. Here we are spending money on supplies and materials for building inventory and fine tuning our booths while we hear how consumers will be curtailing holiday season shopping. Yesterday I recieved a letter from my supplier letting me know that polymer clay pricing has gone up. It's unsettling.
At this point there's nothing to do but forge on though, so here's the booth under construction. My screens are actually 4x6' bamboo mats strapped on with bungy cords. The advantage is that the boards supporting the ends of the matts provide a good grip point for my lights. The photo doesn't do justice to the gorgeous multicoloured organza I found on sale- it's got a wonderful jewel-toned sheen that really sets off my work.