Monday, September 9, 2013

aMused with Earrings.

These ones match my dress!
I have an event coming up in a few weeks and I want to have some really eye catching earrings to accent the dress I'll be wearing. Making my own earrings seemed to be a logical step and I spent the weekend experimenting. I tried molds, cutting shapes from sheets and other approached but they seemed too sterile to me. As my waste basket began to fill with failed attempts (aka-"research and development") I changed course and decided to go organic as I did with my my BeachStones back in the day. I worked with 2 equally measured sections of clay to make sure each earring was the same size and began free-handing each piece. I added surface details, fired and then added inks. 

As the project developed I realised I was really enjoying myself so I decided to make these for sale. I like the way they accent my FuSion Bangles. I'll be working on making more and coming up with an interesting display format for them too. I really like using boxes but the added volume affects shipping costs dramatically. 



  1. Thanks Susan- I listed some bangles roday- earrings later in the week!


  2. These are great! I like to work the same way, measured amounts and molding by hand.


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