Monday, September 10, 2007

Echinacias, Lavender and Fibre Findings...

I like the way the echinacia design worked and I made a teapot to start the day! This design will end up on more teapots, a vase and a Muse in upcoming weeks. The colours are really lovely and I'll be searching for fibres to set off a Muse design. I usually find fibres first then base the theme on the colours- that's how the Lavender series started- a wonderful discovery of hand spun and dyed wool at The Red Tree Galley on Pender Island. I wish I had time to spin and dye my own yarns but the search can be a creative process too!

Here's today's Teapot and "Lavender" - a wall hanging Muse. She sold recently at The Sooke Harbour House.


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