I just returned for a few mistily blissful days at Point No Point on the west coast of Vancouver Island. We had a beautiful little cottage overlooking the surf. We spent hours time reading good books by a roaring fire in a beachhouse that sheltered us from the constant rain.

I beachcombed and photographed shore themed compositions to play with here at home. Unlike all my photos from warmer and drier months these photos are all about wetness- the stones gleam- the wood is saturated and the colours are intense. I was particularily fascinated by the interplay of texture and colours of the beachstones that have been strewn on the convoluted chunks of driftwood that are piled on this stormy shore.

Hubby and I loved Point No Point when we were there a couple years ago it is a restful place. I look forward to your new creations with the inspiration from this trip.