Wednesday, April 2, 2008

International Autism Awareness Day

Today is World Autism Awareness Day. Every day is autism awareness day in our home as my daughter has Asperger's Syndrome. She is a wonderfully talented and outgoing person with a big heart. She attends mainstream high school and is exploring options for a career after she completes school. She loves anime, here's a sample of her art!
Happy Autism Day Gen- you make us very proud!

CNN has wonderful day long coverage on Autism- as 1 in 150 children are diagnosed within the spectrum, it's something everyone should learn about.


  1. yay, Gera! It feels like a Birthday around here..we've got family visiting, the weather is beautiful! and we're having CAKE! Krista likes to think its her birthday, lol.

  2. Hey Gera

    I had no idea Gen was such a talented artist! Please tell her for me that I love her picture.


  3. this is for gen

    hi from iggy who also loves your wonderful painting!
    i also hope all is going well for you and you are enjoying the beautiful spring. your garden must be just wonderful now... i wish i could see it and you again.
    big hugs,


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