I've been away from the blog for a week or so, completely focused on this piece- "The Flower Seller". It's the first frieze incorporating the Muse concept. It's sort of a self portrait- not that I am a flower seller but because every time I have ever taken one of those career inventory tests I'm advised to be a floral designer. She's wearing a checkered apron similar to one I wore at art school too... I imagine her in a lovely outdoor market surrounded by fruit and vegetable stands and artisan's booths featuring polymer clay! In spite of all the hustle and bustle she's in a world of her own.
The piece is approx 11x13" and out of curiosity I weighed it- it's 4.5 lbs.
Now that "The Flower Seller" is finished I found time for some housekeeping in my Online aMused Gallery- there are a few new images there- www.amusedgallery.com!
A post script about my cranky pasta machine- some duct tape and a clamp fixed that problem for now but I still plan to snag a DREAM Machine when it's available!