This is the time of year that my friends from less balmy parts of Canada who know that I LOVE snow send me photos of the blizzards they are enduring. I always feel less "Canadian" in wintertime. Victoria very occasionally does have a dusting of the white stuff but the area where I live in has a distinct micro-climate so that it may be snowing 2 blocks away but it comes down as rain on my street.
I just returned from a walk to the village and took some photos to illustrate what I mean about my quirky climate. I know I have visitors from many countries to this little blog- perhaps these photos may dispell ideas of all of Canada being covered with snow all year round....this is typical for Victoria in December. (nothing to do with global warming!- )
PS- Speaking of Global Warming-I apologise for my country's bad behaviour at the conference in Bali- I did NOT vote for the current government. most Canadians didn't- it's actually a minority government that embarasses us constantly.

I had no idea!!!! I'm going to have to Google Victoria! And...don't apologize! If apologies were needed most of us in the U.S. would have to stay hidden under the bed!!!!! :)
ReplyDeleteI was going to say the same thing as Susan T... I don't think I know any one who will admit to voting for the W and he certainly is good for a bit of embarassment... G'd know how he got elected if no one voted for him. Gera- one of these days you may find me on your doorstep. My former au pair is a Victoria resident and we have promised to visit.
ReplyDeleteAnyone planning a visit to Victoria should definetely get in touch! :-D
ReplyDeleteAnyone planning a visit to Victoria should definetely get in touch! :-D
ReplyDeleteGera, I'm so embarrassed, ashamed, and frightened of the US gvt. that I'm giving serious consideration to MOVING to Canada! If I had ever voted for Bush, I don't think I'd be able to lay my head down and sleep at night just thinking of all the horrible atrocities he's inflicted on people all over the world. I, too, feel a need to apologize to people in other countries for what's happening. Personally, I think we should all be forced to wear some sort of identifying mark to let people know how we voted. I'm joking, of course, but it would definitely cause people to consider their choices a bit more carefully, wouldn't it? Canada sounds better to me all the time and roses in the winter are quite lovely!