Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Packing Heat and My First Copper Clay Piece!

Yesterday was good. I went to a lovely gallery that has been displaying my work for a while to show my latest canvases and polymer, resin and silk pendants and the proprietor said "I'll take two of everything!".
I returned home to find that my shiny new torch had arrived 3 days earlier than it was expected! This torch is not designed for browning a creme brule- it's seriously HOT. It's a BernzOmatic Trigger Start Micro Torch. It burns up to 2500F and it made a huge difference when I test fired this tiny "practice piece" charm made with Hagar's metal clay. I got the lovely peachy glow through the 7 minute firing time. I was enthralled. 
Now I'm so I'm torn- I've got the bug to do a couple of canvases, a lantern and of course to learn and learn and learn about metal clay!


  1. Good for you - everyone needs a good day in February (especially when it is -20 C outside, but I digress...)! So happy for your sales, and am off to get a torch myself. Can't wait to try copper clay.

  2. -20C?! Yikes claire- you'll warm up with hand firing the copper clay!

  3. You're in serious trouble now girl ;) more thing to master when there never seems to be enough time to do the other stuff you want to do. From one who knows...been in this trouble for it! Cute pendant.


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