Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Polymer Clay Mixed Media Collage on Canvas

Luckily I've done this before and know that this is the dog's dinner stage in the process. I didn't panic on the first firing as the wood frame on the canvas hit 275F for the first time and began spewing clouds of slightly smokey steam from the oven. I've learned that initial "guidline" layers often suffer from scorching because the canvas is repeatedly fired- it's been in eight times today. It's a collage, there are many layers yet to come....it might not look like it but this is going really well! (and the smoke detector didn't even go off !)

1 comment:

  1. Gera, I'm having a great time checking in on your progress everyday, I am just itching to try a landscape piece with polymer clay on canvas ASAP! In your experience what type of polymer clay is the softest? Femo soft possibly? I want to try to mimic my plasticine techniques. I can't wait to see how you have progressed tomorrow! Looking great so far!:)


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