Saturday, November 20, 2010

My New Storage System for Findings

My desk isn't ready for a close up quite yet but I am making excellent progress. today I went to INDUSTRIAL PLASTICS  and purchased thirty 7 dram pill containers and a 14 square inch sheet of plexiglass. Then I went  to Michael's and picked up some Velcro Sticky Back 5/8" white coins.

6 dram pill container with velcro coin

I sorted as many of my findings as I could in the pill containers. I Stuck velcro coins on them and then simply stuck matching coins on the plexiglass. I need more bottles but this is my new portable storage unit.I can see what's in the containers, remover the container, spill some findings on my hand and pour what I don't need back in. The unit can stand on my desk or go in a drawer or at the bottom of a travel bag when I go to workshops .

I'll have all the findings in order on Monday after another trip for pill containers.


  1. great idea! very clever for storing small findings.

  2. I like that very much, indeed. I don't like the fishing tackle boxes for beads and such. For storing canes they are great, but for finding and beads I think you have hit upon a great solution.

  3. A brilliant solution. And fun to look at, I presume.

  4. Just a word of advice - beware the sticky back velcro!
    The glue on it is NOT reliable and tends to loosen and let go over time and when you least expect it! I had a display in my studio using it and would often find the stuff on the floor...

  5. Gera, you wizard!! lol Seems like a great idea :) and I happen to have a sack full of these containers from my beadshop days. Currently I have a different systems that works well too, but takes up room in a drawer.

    Just wondering though if since the containers are less wide than at the lid, if the velcro stickies would stick out far enough. I guess it would be ok since the items aren't very heavy. If need be, one could get regular velcro and use E6000 or Goop as glue.

  6. Hi all- so far I have no issues with velcro stickies at all. I've use adhesive velcro to hold tiles on a display board at shows and all sorts of applications. i wonder if local weather conditions may affect the performance? Victoria is not a particularly hot or humid place- I can see hot and humid conditions affecting the long-term performance of the product.

  7. You are probably right!
    Kingston (ON) is hot AND humid! That is an ingenious system...(I neglected to add on my previous post).
    I may get a chance to sample Victoria for myself as my husband may be posted there....


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